Biocompatible Smart Material
Kids-e-crown ™ uses best quality zirconia available having highest biocompatibility which induces excellent gingival healing
Form and Function
Our crowns provides aesthetically pleasing smile along with the strength for daily use. Micro perforation on inner surface for high strength adhesion with regular GIC cement creating high strength bond until the tooth exfoliates.

Strategic sizing and Thin uniform axial surface
With thinnest uniform axial surface and strategically sized mesio-distal dimension , helps clinicians for lesser tooth Reduction and lesser chair side time
Occlusal flat surface and Universal Anteriors
Unique posterior Design with flat Occlusal surface for a better fit and faster preparation and Universal Anterior for the perfect look, less confusion during cementation and reduced inventory

A revolution in preventive and non-invasive dentistry
An FDA-approved antibiotic liquid clinically applied to control and arrest active dental caries, e-SDF is a safe, painless alternative to traditional cavity drilling procedures.
The Power of Silver and Fluoride
Silver acts as an anti-microbial agent that simultaneously strengthens the underlying protective layer of your teeth called dentin. Fluoride is the active ingredient that puts a stop to tooth decay and helps prevent additional decay from appearing.

Direction for use
- Remove gross debris from cavitation
- To minimize contact with gingiva and mucosa apply cocoa butter or use cotton rolls to protect surrounding gingival tissues
- Dry with a gentle flow of compressed air
- Dispense 1 drop into a disposable dish. Use a micro-brush to apply on the lesion. Interproximal decay can be treated using a Superfloss (1 drop treats up to 5 tooth surfaces).
- Allow it to soak in for 1-3 minutes.
- Remove excess with a cotton pellet or roll.
- To reduce blackening of the filling:
- Polish away discoloration along the margins.
- Restore using glass ionomer cement, composite resin or crowns
- To optimize caries arrest, reapply once at intervals of every 6 months

A Better Protection for your Pulpotomy
Promotes precipitation of Calcium Phosphate and promotes dentinal bridging and forms impeccable seal that promotes healing response within roots so you can work with confidence
A Bioactive hydrophilic cement
Compositionally formulated for Quick setting and washout resistance with anti-microbial properties. Effective regeneration and boimineralization for both primary and permanent teeth

Better mixing, Handling and Placement
e-MTA mixes into a smoother consistency due to the ultrafine-grained powder and can be easily placed. e-MTA comes in smart packaging tubes for ease of handling and storage.